Consulting Projects Completed for our Clients

Learn how Workitect can help provide effective HR solutions for your organization by reviewing projects that we’ve completed for our clients.

Focus Project Planning Industry Engineering & Construction

Provided an in-house workshop to train company’s HR staff in building competency models, and then provided guidance and assistance in developing the project plan to develop their first model.

Focus Global Competency Framework Industry Consumer Products

Developed a global competency framework (dictionary) which was used to create competency models for all jobs in the company worldwide. Customized Workitect’s Competency Development Guide to correspond to the organization’s competencies.

Focus Customized Model Building Process Industry Diversified

Worked with a diversified (5 industries) company’s HR leadership to create a process for identifying and developing competency models that would meet its unique needs and organizational demands.

Focus Customized Competency Dictionary Industry Healthcare Products

For a large healthcare products firm, Workitect developed a customized competency dictionary for use in building competency models, several alternative approaches, and a customized set of data gathering and data analysis tools for use in building competency models.

Focus Competency “Levels” Industry Manufacturing

Revised a Fortune 100 manufacturing company’s existing leadership competency model into a simpler model, which identified expected behaviors for each management level, as well as providing positive and negative indicators of each competency.

Focus Building a First Model Industry Electronics

Workitect trained internal HR professionals on data collection and building competency models, and worked with them to scope out and develop an approach to create their first model.

Focus Call Center Models Industry Credit Card Processing

Developed competency models for a credit card processing firm’s call center supervisor and manager positions.

Focus Competency Models for Managers Industry Health Insurance

Trained internal resources to introduce competency models into the organization. Models were built for all manager levels within the claims and network departments.

Focus Coaching Model Builders Industry Agricultural

Worked with an internal resource to develop competency models for two management levels within the organization.  Our consultant coached and developed the staff person so that he could develop the remaining models without additional outside assistance.

Technical competencies

Focus Technical Competencies for Sales and Marketing Jobs Industry Diversified

Workitect helped the internal HR staff of a Fortune 100 conglomerate conceptualize and define a set of technical competencies to be used in Sales and Marketing areas.

Focus Three-Level Models, Technical Competencies Industry Engineering

Developed a three level management competency model for all leadership positions.  Also worked with internal technical experts to identify the technical competencies applicable to all engineering positions.  Identified core competencies for individual contributors and created a three level competency model for use with those positions throughout the company.

Focus Models for Scientists and Professionals Industry Government

Workitect trained 100+ employees of a large state government to build competency models for all scientific, technical, and professional jobs.

Focus Leadership Assessments Industry Manufacturing

Identified a set of leadership competencies to be used in assessing middle and senior leaders. Based on the competencies, Workitect developed and administered a 360º multi-rater feedback instrument and held feedback sessions with leaders who had been assessed.

What Our Customers Say

“In an environment where everyone is quick to tell you the value of competency models, Workitect is one of the few organizations that actually teach a repeatable process for building customized models.”

Shannon Johnson, Blue Cross Blue Shield

“My organization uses the Workitect methodology for writing competency models because it’s structured enough to give us direction, but the many tools provided also allow for flexibility. The models we designed using the Workitect approach helped our company revamp our entire performance development process. “

Mary Kay LaBrie, SCC Soft Computer

Workitect brought a significant amount of practical expertise in Competency Model design to the table. This helped us decide on what the best approach would be early into the project, given our particular corporate culture and context. Workitect was able to present alternatives that felt right for us, without feeling like we were getting ‘off the shelf’ products.”

Ruben Decoud, Mary Kay Inc
Our HR Clients