A Workitect intellectual property license enables organizations to embed competency language into existing systems, leverage familiar technology to streamline new program initiatives, and gain buy-in for new programs.

The tools in the Workitect Competency Management System (also know as the Competency Bundle) are available as intellectual property licenses for your organization’s internal use. Purchasing a Workitect intellectual property (IP) license gives your organization the freedom to alter, copy, and modify Workitect content for use within your organization.

Organizations can use an intellectual property license to:

Prices –   One-Time Fee

Download License Application/Agreement

Workitect’s Integrated Competency Management System

Integrated competency management system

To learn more about our integrated Competency Management System, and how competencies and competency models can help your organization, call 800-870-9490, email
or use the contact form at  Workitect.

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