The primary mission of HR professionals focuses on four distinct objectives:
- Finding great talent
- Minimizing the learning curve to productivity ratio
- Maximizing employee engagement
- Reducing voluntary turnover (employee retention)
These objectives can only be successfully achieved once your team understands how your company rates for each of these metrics. Each week, we’ll briefly explore these objectives to help you in your HR functions.
Finding great talent: The importance of a “job blueprint”
Job blueprints, or competency models, are designed to identify specific characteristics that may either cause or predict outstanding job performance. These competencies include:
- Personal characteristics
- Motives
- Behavioral skills
- Knowledge and technical skills
- Self-concept (attitude, values & self-image)
Essentially, the more advanced the job requirements, the more important the competencies are in determining the right candidates.
Not having a solid competency model in place when sourcing new candidates can be disastrous for productivity, as well as significantly hamper corporate profits and growth:
- Cost – a wrong placement decision is costly, directly affecting your company’s bottom line.
- Productivity – a loss in productivity occurring while a new candidate is sought out, or a lack of productivity due to poor candidate selection.
- Culture – a heavier workload (due to an inadequate candidate or lack of personnel) may burden the team and affect your corporate culture, both if the placement decision does not work out and while a replacement candidate is sourced.
To learn more about our products and services, and how competencies and competency models can help your organization, call 800-870-9490, email
or use the contact form at Workitect.
©️2019, Workitect, Inc.
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