In addition to the primary data collection methods that were described in the previous sections, there are several other data collection methods that may be useful in selected circumstances. These secondary data collection methods include:
- Interviews with Customers
- Interviews with Industry Experts
- Observation of Job Holders
- Surveys of Job Holders
Interviews with Customers
If the job-holders have external or internal customers, the customers can provide useful information about effective and less effective behavior among persons holding this job. External customers often have experience with staff in similar jobs in competitors’ organizations.
Customer interviews can be relatively short (15 to 30 minutes). Possible questions include:
- What are the skills and behaviors that you have observed in the most effective people that you have dealt with, in this job?
- In what ways do superior performers in this job differ from average performers and less effective persons in this job?
- Think of someone in this job that was very effective. What were some of the things that this person did that set him/her apart from less effective persons with the same job.
Interviews with Industry Experts
If a competency model is desired for a new job, especially in an industry that is undergoing rapid change, there will be few people in the organization with much knowledge about the job, beyond the expected job responsibilities. In this case it can be helpful to interview an industry expert from outside of the company. The industry expert should be able to describe:
- Market and technology trends in the industry
- Companies that are key players and their relative positions within the industry
- The challenges likely to be encountered in the new job in the context of the industry
If you understand the challenges likely to be encountered in the new job, you can draw logical inferences about the competencies that will be needed for superior performance.
Learn how our consulting services can help you build competency models >>>
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