The Evolution of Competency Modeling
Word cloud concept illustration of core comptency The first ten years of competency modeling were dominated by consultants trained in the McBer approach. This approach involved a rigorous [...]
The First Competency Model
Competency modeling, an approach originated 40 years ago, has become a mainstream practice in human resource management. Over that period, the methodology has evolved, partly in response to changes in [...]
Communicating with People Involved in a Modeling Project
In our previous blog, we listed points that should be covered with all employees when launching a job competency modeling project. In addition to receiving the same communications provided to [...]
Competency Modeling: Communicating With Employees
When launching and implementing a competency-modeling project, the leaders of the project have to clearly and comprehensively communicate with two audiences: 1. All employees 2. The managers and employees who [...]
Difference Between Job Descriptions and Competency Models
Job descriptions are often equated with job competency models. While similar in content, there are important differences. They serve different purposes and are developed in different ways. Here is a [...]
Competency Dictionary with Levels
Levels of proficiency and job role level to illustrate increasing levels of proficiency that provides individuals with detailed roadmaps for increasing their capabilities incrementally. - Low one-time, no renewal license [...]
The New Reality: Career Streams vs. Career Ladders
Along with many other changes in how employee performance is managed, there is a change in the focus and intent of career development discussions between an employee and his/her [...]
Is Your Performance Management System Working?
If it isn’t working, consider a… COMPETENCY-BASED PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Many organizations are becoming more interested in management and appraisal of competence – the "how" of performance. They are [...]