Leadership Development – Why is it Important?
There is no doubt that some leaders are born. However, they don't know their skills and abilities at the start, which is why they need mentoring and coaching to [...]
Workitect License Options and Fees
LICENSING AND SERVICES A Workitect intellectual property license enables organizations to embed competency language into existing systems, leverage familiar technology to streamline new program initiatives, and gain buy-in for [...]
The Development Planning Process
COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT IS NOT A ONE-PERSON JOB THE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROCESS A general 8-step competency development planning process, applicable in any organization, is outlined below, followed by a description [...]
Include Technical Competencies in Your Competency Library
Many organizations want to include technical competencies, skills, knowledge, in competency models and human resource applications. Off-the-shelf competency libraries and dictionaries for very specific technical specialties are available. Most are [...]
Workitect, Inc. provides research-based human resource assessment and development consulting services to help organizations to improve their performance and to attract, develop, and retain talent.
Compare Competency Dictionaries
If you want to build competency models and include competencies in your HR applications, you will need to choose a method to use in building [...]
Competencies Add Value That Executives Can See
Seven Factors To Consider Before Implementing Competency-Based Talent Management Job competency models describe what superior performers actually do on a job that produces superior results. Armed with this information, selection, [...]
Leadership Competencies for Competency Models
Much has been written about leadership, leadership competencies, and what it takes to be a great leader. Do an internet search for “leadership competencies” and you will find countless [...]