Competency Implementation Tools Bundle
THREE CUSTOMIZABLE TOOLS FOR SELECTING AND DEVELOPING TALENT Workitect sells licenses for its intellectual property as part of an “integrated set”, [...]
THREE CUSTOMIZABLE TOOLS FOR SELECTING AND DEVELOPING TALENT Workitect sells licenses for its intellectual property as part of an “integrated set”, [...]
LICENSING AND SERVICES A Workitect intellectual property license enables organizations to embed competency language into existing systems, leverage familiar technology to [...]
Many organizations want to include technical competencies, skills, knowledge, in competency models and human resource applications. Off-the-shelf competency libraries and dictionaries for [...]
If you want to build competency models and include competencies in your HR applications, you will need [...]
When a company considers or purchases human resource information system software, the software usually comes with a pre-loaded list of competencies [...]
If you want to use competencies to improve the performance of your workforce, you have probably encountered a number of options and [...]
If you have decided to build competency models and/or include competencies in your HR applications, you will need to choose a [...]
RAISE THE BAR ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE Several years ago, the WorldAtWork association sponsored a research study titled “Raising the Bar – [...]