Easily add competencies to your human resources processes and software with these practical and flexible integrated competency management components.
All materials incorporate 35 foundational and leadership competencies that have been developed and tested over 40 years.
Create a Framework for an Integrated
For More Information, Demo, or License Application
Build Job Competency Models and a Competency-Based Talent Management System for Your Organization
“Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple.” C.W. Ceran

1. Competency Development Guide
Resource Guides for Developing Competencies
Create derivatives of any part of this 280-page Guide, which includes nine exercises and forms to help people identify specific competencies to target for development and create development plans.
There is a section for each of 35 competencies that includes:
- A definition and the specific behaviors of a person demonstrating the competency
- Importance of the competency
- Practicing the competency
- Obtaining feedback
- Coaching suggestions for managers
- Sample development goals
- Developmental resources
- Books
- Self-study courses
- External courses and workshops
Example: Competency Development Guide for Strategic Thinking

2. eDeveloper™
Web-based, on-line version of the Competency Development Guide, containing comprehensive employee development and coaching tools with direct links to developmental resources. It provides an efficient and cost-effective way for people to develop and acquire new competencies needed to achieve personal or career goals.
Features | Benefits |
“Getting Started” Tutorial |
In 10-15 minutes, the user learns about Workitect competencies and how to effectively use eDeveloper |
Audio Tutorials |
User can listen to brief instructions while using eDeveloper |
Print Function |
At any point, the user can create an electronic file (PDF) of their data that can be printed or saved. |
Simple Rating of Competencies |
Proficiency of competency rated High, Medium, Low, or Not Applicable |
Prioritizing Needs |
Tool provides a practical process for determining most critical development needs |
Development Planning Tool |
Simple format for creating a tailored plan to improve proficiency in up to three competencies |
Easy navigation with “point and click” access |
Quick and simple access to view any of the competency definitions, behaviors, or resources in the Development Guide |
Competency Development Guide | A resource for all sorts of information, tools, and activities to help the user create a Development Plan |
User can copy, paste, and edit anything from the Development Guide into their Development Plan | Makes creating a unique Development Plan fast and easy |
Automatic Save Function | All user data is saved and stored once it is created; no data accidentally lost |
Target Start Date, Target Completion Date and Actual Completion Date | Progress and completion of Development Plans can be easily monitored and tracked |
Administrator Edit Function |
Administrator can easily add, delete, or change competencies, behaviors, or Development Guide information (e.g. add company sponsored training programs) |
Sample Development Plans |
User can see actual development plans to see what one looks like |

3. Competency Interview Guides
Competency Interview Guides provide an easy-to-follow format for structured, behavioral-based interviews. Each Guide, with specific questions related to the competency, makes it easy for the hiring manager or interviewer to collect behavioral examples about a candidate’s relevant work experiences and accomplishments.
The Guides provide:
- Specific questions and probes for each competency,
- Specific, high-quality behavioral data describing what superior performers do to achieve superior results,
- Surfacing of non-obvious effective behaviors that job incumbents and their bosses may be unaware of or unable to articulate,
- Strong evidence for a competency model’s validity – evidence that is especially important if the model will be used for external selection.
An intellectual property license permits organizations to:
- Personalize and customize interviewing content
- Enhance their interviewing application by adding unique criteria
- Reorganize interviewing guide templates
4. Competency Dictionary
Identify competencies that reflect your organization’s mission, values, culture, and business strategy.
- Comprehensive, but simplified – in language that every employee can understand.
- Created over thirty years of practical application and validation.
- Provided in a format that can easily be modified to better fit your organization. You have complete flexibility to use in any application: performance management, succession planning, 360° instruments, and other HR applications. Can be integrated into any HRIS system.
Use the dictionary to build a competency model now!
Follow the process described in an instructional program drawn from our Building Competency Models certification workshop.
Thirty-five competencies with definitions and behaviors, described in levels by job role (professional/specialist > supervisor/manager > director/executive) and levels of proficiency (basic > proficient > advanced).
BONUS! System Includes Four Additional Resources
What Our Customers Say
“These programs teach you valuable information that will benefit your entire HR process from recruiting, performance management, and succession planning.”
“Brilliant programs with an unimaginable amount of resources.”