Leadership is generally known as the social process involving influencing others. The development of great leaders is a systematic process carried out for years and is fundamental for an organization’s long-term success. Still, many companies ignore this aspect of conditioning of workforce into tomorrow’s leaders.

This guide is put together to provide an overview of leadership development, HR’s role in developing leadership, types of programs available, and more. So let’s dive right in:

Let’s Start With Leadership Competencies:

The leadership, aka, managerial competency models give a breakdown of the factors required for the success of a company’s leaders, such as executives, senior staff, and top management.

Organizations typically leverage leadership competency models for building leadership development programs and executive coaching.

This model includes 8 to 12 competencies that focus on self-development, innovation, leadership, self-assurance, professional judgment, and relationship development.

Some Traits, Behaviors, and Qualities of a Model Leader:

A superior-performing leader is proactive, flexible, strategic, analytical, adaptive to competitive positions, and culturally competent. Here are some key traits of most successful leaders:

  • Shows a strategic perspective
  • Grooms others
  • Innovates
  • Has a high level of integrity and honesty
  • Analyzes issues and solves them
  • Gets results
  • Motivates others
  • Builds strong relationships
  • Has both soft and technical skills
  • Is a powerful communicator

These are the commonly found traits in successful leaders throughout the corporate landscape. Depending on the type of organization, i-e for-profit or non-profit, these traits can vary.

Approach to Developing Leadership:

The ultimate goal that leadership development aims to achieve is to enhance individuals’ capacity to be effective and efficient in leadership processes and roles.

For leadership development to be truly effective, it should be in line with the organization’s corporate strategy while offering development opportunities tailored to individual levels.

Potential Leader Identification:

Once it’s clear how leadership development should be approached, the next step is to identify potential leaders. In the current dynamic work environment, a robust leadership pipeline is imperative to keep the organization independent of a single leader.

The goal is to identify and select the employees showing signs of leadership. Several strategies are employed to find future leaders this way.

Importance of Leadership Development Strategy:

The world is changing rapidly. Today’s leaders might not be highly effective in dealing with tomorrow’s technological revolution’s challenges. Therefore, to ensure an organization is not dependent on a single person, especially when it’s their time to retire, a funnel is set up to identify potential leaders and move them up the ladder.

It’s HR professionals’ job to create leadership development strategies, implement them, analyze the results, and make changes accordingly. Smaller organizations do not have a program in place for this, but large corporations usually have corporate universities to train future leaders.

However, a third-party leadership development consultant can always work with the HR department to develop highly tailored strategies for their workforce.

How Workitect Can Help with Leadership Development

Workitect is a leadership development consultant that’ll help you groom your workforce into the 1% of the corporate world – the leaders; the go-getters.  With tried and tested methods for developing highly effective and tailored strategies, we’ll set the wheels in motion to create future leaders that’ll take your company to the peaks of success. Multi-rater 360 feedback is an effective tool offered by Workitect complimented with a Competency Development Guide that includes resources for developing leadership competencies.

Leadership Development Strategies To Condition Your Workforce

Workitect provides competency-based talent management tools, programs and systems.

Workitect, Inc.
Telephone: 954-938-5370 or 800-870-9490,  Email: info@workitect.com