A Workitect intellectual property license enables organizations to embed competency language into existing systems, leverage familiar technology to streamline new program initiatives, and gain buy-in for new programs.
The tools in the Workitect Competency Management System (also know as the Competency Bundle) are available as intellectual property licenses for your organization’s internal use. Purchasing a Workitect intellectual property (IP) license gives your organization the freedom to alter, copy, and modify Workitect content for use within your organization.
Organizations can use an intellectual property license to:
- Create competency models for your organization.
- Create competency-based job profiles and descriptions.
- Modify Workitect Competency Dictionary competency definitions to fit your corporate culture.
- Load Competency Dictionary competencies into your performance or talent management systems
- Put Workitect’s competency-based interview questions into your own database or recruitment software for easy retrieval.
- Create an individual development plan application and load the Competency Development Guide content into your internal systems.
Prices – One-Time Fee
Download License Application/Agreement
Workitect’s Integrated Competency Management System
To learn more about our integrated Competency Management System, and how competencies and competency models can help your organization, call 800-870-9490, email edward.cripe@workitect.com
or use the contact form at Workitect.
©️2024, Workitect, Inc.
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