Part 2 of Integrating Key HR & Talent Management Processes Examples of Competency Models, including model for Project Managers Register for live online Building Competency Models Workshop. Start by [...]
Including Emotional Intelligence Competencies in Competency Models
The definition of a competency that Workitect uses is that it is a “skill, knowledge, or underlying characteristic of an individual, that can be shown to predict superior or [...]
7 Practical Tips for Developing Competency Models and Applications
There are at least seven factors to consider before building job competency models and applications - factors that can make or break your best efforts.
Time Required to Build a Job Competency Model
An example of process for building a job competency model using Workitect’s Six-Step Model Building Process
Optimize Your Performance Management System
Lately, there’s been a lot of press about the lack of value performance reviews bring to a talent management process. Some claim they are simply too subjective and that as [...]
Competency-Based Career Planning
DOWNLOAD HERE Included in the Career Planning Kit are these helpful forms and templates from chapter 3 in Workitect' Competency Development Guide. CAREER PLANNING: A GUIDE TO SELF-ASSESSMENT [...]
Quick-Start Competency-Modeling Program
The Quick-Start Competency-Modeling program enables a competency dictionary licensee to build basic competency models using focus groups, supplemented with optional job task analysis interviews.
Seven Factors To Consider Before Building Competency Models
There are factors to consider before attempting to develop and implement a competency framework for talent management - factors that can make or break your best efforts.