Compare Competency Dictionaries
If you want to build competency models and include competencies in your HR applications, you will need [...]
If you want to build competency models and include competencies in your HR applications, you will need [...]
Air Canada looked for a consultative competency-modeling workshop that could be built upon its own internal data, and tailored to different segments of its HR department, for a variety of applications. It was also seeking guidance on current best practices for organizations with similar challenges. Workitect provided the workshop and a competency dictionary.
The definition of a competency that Workitect uses is that it is a “skill, knowledge, or underlying characteristic of an individual, [...]
Leadership is generally known as the social process involving influencing others. The development of great leaders is a systematic process carried out [...]
Much has been written about leadership, leadership competencies, and what it takes to be a great leader. Do an internet search [...]
A Leader Empowering Her Staff Research has regularly demonstrated that when employees feel empowered at work, it is associated with [...]
Career pathing in its elaborated form is a sophisticated method of developing future managers through the careful assignment of an individual [...]
IMPORTANCE OF INFLUENCING OTHERS This competency, which is the ability to get others to do what you would like them to do, [...]