Time Required to Build a Job Competency Model
An example of process for building a job competency model using Workitect’s Six-Step Model Building Process
An example of process for building a job competency model using Workitect’s Six-Step Model Building Process
Generic Competency Dictionaries are essential when developing multiple competency models within the same organization, to ensure that common skills and characteristics [...]
A Simple Competency-Based HR Implementation Kit Get Started Now! This is an Integrated Set of Practical, User-Friendly, and Cost-Effective Tools Ideal for [...]
For an organization to thrive, its general and technical competencies must be very clear to the decision-makers. Only after knowing your company's [...]
Learn how to build job competency models while building one for your organization ....... with training and consulting assistance from Workitect The [...]
Workitect, Inc. provides research-based human resource assessment and development consulting services to help organizations to improve their performance and to attract, develop, and retain talent.
Customized Combination of Training, Consulting, and Coaching. GUIDED LAUNCH OF A COMPETENCY MODELING PROJECT THAT CAN INCLUDE TECHNICAL COMPETENCIES Since 2004, [...]
If you want to build competency models and include competencies in your HR applications, you will need [...]